Book V. Skull & Bones:
Extra, extra read all about it…
Another week, another video, another blog… If I could manipulate the invisible grandfather clock of human-time into one present moment wherefore all of these blogs were written at the same point in one sitting, I would conjure it up even if I had to dabble within the black arts of magick and sacrifice a goat on an altar with an upside-down crucifix – to be sure of it. And yet – there is only the Now; there is only the present moment; there is but one Point, and I am on the same lazy-boy writing this blog in the same spot in Time that I have always been in, and will always be in. So, I suppose we can call off the blood ritual, let the goat live, turn the cross right-side-up, and know that all the blogs, before and to come, have been written simultaneously in the same exact moment, already.
Well, that’s a load off my mind. And the goat’s.
Skull & Bones, what are we but this? And yet, when all that’s left but Skull & Bones, what does the skull do? It smiles, and even laughs when the jaw is hinged open. Of course, there is more, as death smiles on us all, and we too, back at it when the flesh is cleaned off of our skeleton.
The skeleton is the main character in this book, Skull & Bones, that is the 5th book of my book: Jackism, The Fairytale Religion. And his name is Geronimo, perhaps because he is always falling, as he seeks to find the bastard who has pirated his femur bone. And so, he hops, and he hopes, all the while, Jack, The Pumpkin Headed Son of Earth stands with his feet rooted to Geronimo’s head. It is the warmth of the Gospel (Jack’s black vampire bat) which keeps him warm and not cold, like the evil he once was in the world:
Geronimo: [13] A golden age of time, you say?… The name that I possess is Geronimo, but this is not my proper label, although properly it is proper now. Geronimo was the name of an Indian warrior who had possessed higher spirits than myself, and so from his tomb, I had dug up his skull for a prize of my own. For his name means “The One Who Yawns”. And so, it is said that the breath of Spirit was high inside of him. It is proclaimed that Geronimo could see the future and walk with no footprints; it is also said that he could keep the dawn from rising. Perhaps this is why I walk with only one footprint and have not been able to rise. I had pirated his skull and so now the skull of my own has “Geronimo” branded and burned into it. I am always falling, and so my name is Geronimo. I had conquered the kingdom of Hell on earth and had risen it up so that the fire had singed the Heavens in the sky. I rose Hell, and so I fell into it. I fancied to destroy, and my how well done I did do it. Blood in the streets, I howled. Conquering the psyches of millions, I drooled over it. I turned the wave of humanity to crash before my very own will, and I baptized myself in the waters of that tide. Pandora’s box was tidy enough to sit inside of it a gold locket, as I had opened it the second that I saw there was no lock on it. I am a savage, and a beast. I am an undeserving devil, and there is no golden age of time in my future.
Jack: [14] Let us find your femur, Geronimo. Maybe a visit to your brethren will learn you on the heart of being a noble gentleman. Surely your resurrection at this moment in time is no coincidence as you are liberated by the warmth of the Gospel – which you shalt not forget. Perhaps it is your only chance to try for a golden age of time.
Geronimo: [15] I will hop, I will hope.
Geronimo, you should know, has been in Hell, along with his wicked brethren. As a matter of fact, he has been finished with his trip to Hell already, and has been stuck in the ground, which he says is even worse than Hell:
Geronimo: [9] I have been to Hell, but there is nothing worse than being stuck in the dirt, which is where I do resurrect from. I have conquered one hundred-fold years since being in Hell, and a hell it has been ever since. I am lower than a worm in the dirt, as at least a worm can wiggle…
Within my book: Jackism, The Fairytale Religion, there is a reoccurring theme within a couple stories I have written about Hell. And that is that there is always a way to redeem yourself of your sins – even whilst you are in it. It’s against the collective consciousness of the precious mob – oh I know. And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t revel in it. Sue me, but this is my true belief and the belief that makes the most logical sense to me, knowing what I know; which is not All, and perhaps even small, but the smallness of what I know runs deep past the ocean floors and within the hollows of the lovely Mother Earth.
For it is even well known, from that book called the Bible, that even Jesus Christ himself had immediately descended into Hell as a pitstop, immediately after his fleshly death on the cross. And I think, if Jesus does, we all do.
“Damnation for eternity!” The fickle say, so they can gain the ego-boost of being a better boy, or girl, than the others are. And yet, these fools, pardon me, these people, do not even know what the word Eternity means. The present moment, the Now is eternity. Eternity has nothing to do with what we call Time. It is not a short time, and certainly not a long time; it is not Time at all in any sense of the word. If something is “forever”, it is ignorantly placed on the scale of “long time”, but if it dost not include in it a “short time”, in order to contrast and show you what a ”long time” is, it cannot be what we know of as “Time”. Eternity is the present moment, it is the disintegration of Time itself. We are always in it, and yet we are swayed away by the illusions of the future and the past.
And so, when the bible sayest “Hell for eternity”, it is not even a lie, but a truth. As all things are “for eternity”, and yet all things in eternity do change – from Hell to Heaven (for eternity!). If you cannot grasp this, I know not what else to say but “best of luck in your endeavors”. But if you can, you may hear me now:
I believe that Hell is, for lack of better wording, a Purification System of some sort. And I think what must be purified is the Fire of Desire (burning in the fires of hell – your hell.). Those desires that you were not disciplined enough to control. Be it, lust, pride, envious desire of another, desire for power, desire for things (glutton), desire to act out in wrath because you are off balanced and un-centered, desire to possess an others ideals and mind to think what you think – whatever desire has you – you must be purified of it when you die and are but a skeleton in the Divine Dirt of this life, in my humble opinion. To say Christ didn’t possess some wrath when chasing the money changers out with a whip is ignorant. Even if it was “Righteous” anger – nonetheless, it was an off-balance, and why wouldn’t he be able to commit a sin? Son of God, sure, sure, but also – a man.
And so, perhaps we all do go to Hell and burn within the fires of our desires to move onto better things, to be cleaned, and prepared for the next adventure. Now, that is not to say that some people don’t need more purification than others, of course that would be a thing. And I can hear the mob now: “You idiot! If we all must go to Hell, then where is the incentive to be good!”. How long do you wish to burn for? How long do you wish to suffer? Of course, we are all and always in Eternity, but I have a feeling that Time, like it does here, exists in Hell as well – because it is a hellish invention meant for Growth & Learning, which to me, is the point of Hades, as well. So, how long do you wish to burn? Perhaps it’s better to not run a marathon in Hell, but to walk a block, give Satan a polite hat-tip, and say “Thanks for the quick warm stroll, I’ll see you never.”.
I’m over it. Didn’t give much of the story: V. Skull & Bones, so buy my book: Jackism, The Fairytale Religion today.
Strength & Honor,